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This one question will tell you everything you need to know about someone

Have you ever been on a date, or out somewhere with a friend, family member or even a boss, looking over at this person, and just feeling like you can't read them at all? You've been sitting there for an hour and still have no clue what this person is like or who they are. Well I'm here to help you out. This one simple question can tell you (almost) everything you need to know about someone, whether you just met them or you've known them for years:

Tell me about your first car.

I didn't realize the potential in this question until it appeared in a job application I was filling out. It was a company that worked with classic cars, so I thought that was a natural question for them to ask, wanting to know the automotive interest and background of the potential employee. When I saw this question, I knew what they were aiming for, a way to get a feel for someone's personality based on their feelings about their first car. But I didn't realize the depth of this question and how much you can really get out of someone's answer, even if they're not a gear head.

My first instinct was to answer with the first car I ever was able to call "mine". The 1999 Subaru Legacy, which certainly had it's quirks, like the boxer engine that of course leaked oil, or a leaky sunroof (yeah that was fun...). But the more I thought about it, that wasn't really my first car. My first car was the one I put my blood, sweat, tears, and money into. My 2004 Civic. That was the first car I purchased all by myself, with no help from my parents, and MADE into my own. It was truly, wholly, mine. I wrote my answer in the application, but the more I thought about this question, the more I was intrigued by their asking it - especially in that setting which seemed not unusual to me. I realized that everyone has a first-car story. Some are really awful experiences, some are hilarious, and some are about dreams coming true. So I started asking the people in my life to tell me about their first car. The answers did not disappoint.

My mom was the first one I asked. She told me a hilarious story about her junk Oldsmobile that she had in high school. She said used to carry a box in the trunk so she could pick up any parts that fell off as she was cruising down the road, and ask her dad if they were important when she got home. Often the answer was no, and the car continued running as the box accumulated more parts that made their escape from the aging, poorly-built Oldsmobile. But she was happy just to have a car that provided her with freedom in her small town in rural Maine.

My dad told stories of his 1982 Toyota pickup that was his bright yellow baby. He turned it into a rock-crawler for his own 4-wheel drive enjoyment. He even met his 4-wheel drive club friends through that hobby. He loved that truck, he added a 3-inch lift, chrome roll bar, winch on the front, big knobby tires, and did all how own oil changes and regular maintenance. Like I said, it was his baby.

My boyfriend Tyson told me about his 1998 Subaru Forester that he was always fixing. Old, crappy, and barely safe to drive most of the time. But he learned a lot about cars from fixing that first one. He is now very knowledgeable and offers help to family and friends when they have car trouble.

My friend Andrew bought his dream car as his first. A 1968 Pontiac Firebird. It is his most prized possession, his pride and joy, and his first car. He is currently in the middle of tearing it apart and rebuilding it into a proper racecar that he plans to actually use, even though many of his friends think he's crazy for tearing apart a beautiful classic. But that's the beauty of cars! It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, it's your car and you can make it how YOU want it.

I have asked many people to tell me about their first car in the last few weeks. I learned more than I thought I could from such a simple prompt. I learned things about people I have known forever and also people I just met (like at my work retreat a few weeks ago - made for some fun and interesting conversations).

Turns out, this is an incredibly relatable question for most people. Everyone has a story. And usually they are willing to share. So I the next time you are playing the dreaded "get-to-know you" game at your work retreat, social event, or even a date, I encourage you to ask them about their first car. I'm willing to bet there's a story there. You could learn a lot about that person just based on their first-car story. At the very least, it will help break the ice. Maybe you'll laugh together with a good "my first car was a total junker" story. Or bond over a heartfelt "hand-me-down from a family member" story. Either way, I think this has become one of my new favorite "tell me about yourself" questions. It has really given me a way to learn more about the people in my life, even those I am closest to. It has been wildly entertaining too! I love hearing first-car stories. I do believe everything happens for a reason, and even if I don't get that job, I certainly understand why they asked it. And I discovered a fun new way to gain insight about those around me, and for that I will always grateful.

Tell me about your first car in the comments!

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