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First Post!

I'm gonna be honest, all I'm probably going to remember about writing my first post is the feeling of exhaustion and the smell of warm bread as I pecked out my thoughts onto my keyboard in the dark, back corner of a Panera Bread (excuse me, St. Louis Bread Co.) at who-knows-what-hour of the night after a long day of college classes. But I'll look back and smile, because it was the start of something new and fun that I love; writing about cars.

But here I am today, feeling a little weird about starting a blog, but beyond excited to finally have a place to talk about cars. I know how tough it is for women to be involved and accepted in this field, but I'm here to encourage the love of cars in everyone, as well as have my own outlet where I can let my passion loose. And although the site is still under construction, as I am nowhere near done adding pages about the basics of cars, modifications, and updating my music playlists, I'm making my first post to get the ball rolling.

So here's my promise: I will give you as much information about the basics, modifications, and useful knowledge; as well as all the recent car news. I'll include descriptions, pictures, and even try some videos. And I will have a blast doing so.

I encourage kudos, gripes, and comments with which you can give me feedback. Feel free to comment on any post or shoot me an email at

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the site!

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